Monday, October 24, 2011

11 For 2011

   Since we were looking at the video Life In a Day, I have to answer the following questions with my own answers, so here they are!

In my pocket I have my phone, some money, my ipod and (if at school) my locker keys.
The last thing that I had to drink was some water.
My family and friends make me happy because they are always there for me.
Something really nice I did was making my mum bed in breakfast on her birthday.
Spiders scare me immensly because they are extremly disgusting and hairy. EWWW!!
The last movie that I saw was The Collector.
The last song that I listened to was Party Rock Anthem by LMFAO.
The last thing I bought was a new shirt.
I couldn't live without my family because I need them! They mean everything to me and they are the most important things in my entire life.
I hope that one day I will be a well-known lawyer.
I could live without cockroaches and other yucky things because they are terrible!

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant post Po :-) I love it, you give very good details on what you think of yourself and other people also. And the best thing I like is that you can live without cocoroches i hate them too. What I liked the most is that you think of your family first beacuse you care about them and they give you lots of support and are always there for you and you think about your friends very much beacuse you help them and support them with your kindness and love and relationship and are always there for you.
